Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Feng Shui Color

The color of decor, furnishings, and especially the paint of the walls set the tone of a room and will either relax or intesify the energy levels felt while spending time inside of that room. Our emotions are effected by the colors we bring into our home. Let's take a look at the simplest colors of white and black, both of these colors should have a formal feel to them, especially if the wall paint is white with black decor (think tuxedo or a wedding dress).
Softer pastel colors break up the formalities softening the tone and lightening the mood of the room. Mild and muted tones, such as maroon bring energy down closer to the ground heightening feelings of security and safety. Before choosing a color scheme, take into account functionality of the room. Be sure the purpose of the room is clear and then provide appropriate coloring methods to enhance its functionality.

Choosing Room Color: Where to Start
Work with what is already there. Wood stoves, fireplaces, granite counter tops, and everything else that already exists in a household room should automatically be the focal point for color selection. Since these items are generally a large hassle to remove or replace, you have no choice but to work with what is already there. The colors you choose for such a room should revolve around that object. Fireplaces are great examples here. A room with fireplace fixture composed of brick or cobblestone will limit some of the color choices for this room but rest assured that with a little dash of spice and a spark of creativity, you will find that such a strong fixture will never fully hinder you in your designs.
The trim of a house is generally always the same color from room to room. This color unification can bring all the different colors of a home together. It is a wonderful way to complement and coordinate the numerous rooms of your home.

Choosing Colors: Start Safe
A great starting point is to select 3-4 colors for a single room. Several colors exist in Feng Shui that are seen in everyday life (usually in nature). These colors are termed "safe" because they are natural and seen everyday. The table on the left shows each of the "safe" colors.
Pastels and mild tones are adventurous or risky colors. Large quantities of these types of colors can be overwhelming at best. They excite energies that are too specific and can lead to a chaotic feel to a room.

Develop a Working Balance
Your personality plays a key role in deciding which colors are good for you. A safer personality (Yin) will tend to lean toward the safer spectrum of colors while an explosive personality (Yang) will sway further away from safe color shades.
One technique to work out your color scheme is on paper with percentages. People tend to need between 50%-90% of a room to be colored with safe colors, and anywhere from 10%-50% adventurous color. Stick with 3-4 colors and figure out what percentage of color your personality can handle.

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